Open Access Computing Facilities

Official Policy Statement

Lab Admission Requirements

USU's Open Access Computing Facilities are funded, in part or in full, by a self-imposed fee paid by students at registration. Much of the hardware and software in the facilities has been made available by vendors for educational use of students only. Because of these considerations, only verifiable USU students are entitled to use the facilities.

  • A user will be admitted to an Open Access Computing Facility when: (1) the user's own USU ID card is presented and validated by the Aggie ID Card facility.
  • Current USU Faculty/Teaching Staff will be admitted upon presentation of the user's own USU ID card, when space is available, for the purpose of developing class assignments which will require the use of the open access facilities.
  • No one will be admitted to a lab on any other form of ID, or for any other payment or consideration.
  • Students will be granted lab access two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester and two weeks after the semester ends for which they have paid their fees.

Appropriate Use of the Facilities

  1. Open Access Computing Facilities are for educational purposes only. The facilities may not be used for commercial, religious, political, funded-research or illegal purposes. Recreational use is not supported or accommodated but may be tolerated so long as it does not interfere with the management, operation or availability of the resource for its intended educational purposes.
  2. Theft, failure to observe copyright laws, or tampering with computers or networks will place violators in jeopardy of prosecution through law enforcement and University agencies.
  3. Lab consultants are provided to assist the users with questions and to help with hardware and software problems, but they will not do student's homework!
  4. No open packages/containers of food or drinks will be allowed in labs.
  5. Groups are allowed in computer labs but limited to one workstation and its associated equipment only. They cannot disrupt the learning environment for others, and if they do so will be asked to disband.
  6. Cell phones must be taken out of the lab when a call is made or answered.
  7. Printing must be done in increments of 20 pages or less. Longer print jobs will be accommodated by prior arrangement only. Long print jobs will be released for printing when other printing demands are low.
  8. Laser printer charges: Each student begins each semester with a "free laser balance" in a campus-wide database maintained by the Aggie Express System. Laser printouts can only be obtained by deduction against a user's own USU ID Card "free laser balance" or, when that balance is exhausted, against Aggie Express Debit Balance. Under no circumstances will the lab staff accept any other form of payment. Page charges cannot be made to departmental or other university funds. Cash cannot be accepted. Unused portions of the free allotment are not credited to the user, not carried forward to subsequent semesters, and not transferable. (The allocation for the "free" printouts will be placed in the Aggie Express Account two weeks before the semester starts for which fees have been paid. Unused printouts will be deducted two weeks after the semester ends for which they have paid their fees.)
  9. Lab consultants are authorized to deny lab access to any person who does not comply with the policies described above, and relevant policies in the USU Student Code. Policy violations may also be referred to the Office of the Vice President for Student Services.

Relevant University Policies & State & Federal Laws

  • USU Student Code, Article V, Sec V-3B. Para 23, 24, 25
  • Utah Criminal Code Section 76-8-705 & 76-6-703
  • USU Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy
  • Utah's Antidiscrimination Act (Section 34A-5-1 et seq.)
  • Section 703, Title 7 of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964