Lab Reservation Policies

The Open Access Computer lab is available for hands-on training of university staff or students by university instructors. Reservations are made through the central scheduling system.

  • If specific software must be installed on the LAN server, requests should be made at least one week in advance by contacting Gary Egbert. You must provide properly licensed media for special software requests and confirm before your reservation that the installation does meet your needs.
  • Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. When the lab is scheduled, walk-in users will be instructed to give up their machines to users attending the class or workshop.
  • Reservations outside of normal lab hours are subject to a staffing charge and special arrangements will need to be made by contacting Gary Egbert.
  • Reservations that are not for a university department or course are subject to a $10/seat/half day charge.
  • Cancellation policy: Unused reservations cause unnecessary disruptions for walk-in users. The instructor, or a departmental representative, should cancel any reservations that will not be used by cancelling through the central scheduling system as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please contact Gary Egbert by phone at (435) 797-1476 or email.