iFrame Component

You can add this content using a component. Learn about components

You will need to paste the entirety of the iframe code into the component and save it. Below are the specific instructions:

In order to include ‹iframe› tags on your page, please follow the instructions below.

  1. In the “Edit” tab on an Omni CMS page, click on the green “Edit” button to pull up the WYSIWYG (page editor)
  2. Click on the “Show Blocks” button to see the HTML structure of the page. It looks like two dashed boxes inside of another box.
  3. Navigate to the place you would like to include the iFrame. This can be an already created div or you can create a new place by pressing Shift+Tab at the same time.
  4. Click on the “Insert Component” button in the toolbar. It looks like an atom and will be located right after the “Insert Asset” button
  5. Choose the “iFrame Embed” component and click “Insert”
  6. Paste in the iframe code you want to use. Save.
  7. There should be a blue pill that says “iFrame Embed”. Save and Exit the WYSIWYG (page editor)
  8. Your iframe should appear on the screen and you can go ahead and publish.

Please note, when you go to the source code tab after inserting a component, that long seemingly random string of text is the component. Use caution when moving it inside of the Source Code tab.