Dashboard Gadgets
The activity displays all major actions that have taken place on your site and who made them. For example, every time someone publishes a page it will be displayed here with the name of the person that published the page and the date and time of the publish.
Note: This gadget is also a dashboard gadget.

The assets gadget let you view your available assets and drag them onto the page that you are currently editing. It functions similarly to adding assets via the toolbar in the WYSIWYG editor.
Note: This gadget is only visible when editing a page.

The bookmarks gadget displays a list of every page and file that you have bookmarked. You can rename your bookmarks and rearrange your bookmarks in folders (by clicking and dragging). To create a bookmark click the "+ Bookmark" button; This will create a new bookmark for the page that you are currently on.
Note: This gadget is also a dashboard gadget.

This gadget is only useful if you are editing a CP Page (content promoter) page or a CP News Article. When used on a valid page, it will publish the page that you are currently on in addition to every feed or homepage that should display the page. If multiple sites that have pages that are pulling articles from the directory that this CP page/article is in then you can include those sites from the "sites" dropdown. If you do this you need to add the site that you are currently on. If you aren't publishing to other sites, you can leave the dropdown blank.
Note: This gadget is only visible when viewing/editing a page.

If you paste the relative path of a page/file (i.e. /images/old-main.png) and click the search button it will pull up information about the page/file and give you the depnedency tag for it. It also works the other way around; if you paste the dependency tag for page/file and click the search button it will pull up the same page information, including the relative path of the page.

The images gadget let you view your available images and drag them onto the page that you are currently editing. It functions similarly to adding images via the toolbar in the WYSIWYG editor.
Note: This gadget is only visible when editing a page.

This gadget lets you check your page for any broken links. Take note that this only works for links that are using dependency tags; If you are using a fixed url (i.e. www.google.com) and that link is broken, the gadget will not detect the issue.
Note: This gadget is only visible when viewing a page.

This gadget displays a list of every page and file that you have checked out on the site you are currently on. You can also check files back in from this gadget by clicking on the yellow lightbulbs.
Note: This gadget is also a dashboard gadget.

The notes gadget lets you take both public and private notes for a page. The notes exist on a page-by-page basis, so if you don't see your notes they were likely added on another page. Public notes can be seen by anyone editing the page that they were created on and private notes are only visible to you.
Note: This gadget is only visible when viewing/editing a page.

The page info gadget displays the following information about the page you are currently on:
- When the page was last saved, published, and who saved and published them.
- The parent directory (the folder that you are currently in).
- The page products (every page that links to this page via a dependency tag).
- The dependencies; This includes the dependency tag for the page and every page or file that this page links to via a dependency tag.
Note: This gadget is only visible when viewing/editing a page.

This gadget functions identically to the "Properties" tab. You can edit the page title, description, tags, and all other properties that you normally could on the "Properties" tab.
Note: This gadget is only visible when viewing a page that you have checked out.

This gadget lets you send a message to the IT Web team if you need help with something. However, we highly recommend emailing us at itweb@usu.edu as we are quicker to reply to requests made there.

The snippets gadget let you view your available snippets and drag them onto the page that you are currently editing. It functions similarly to adding snippets via the toolbar in the WYSIWYG editor.
Note: This gadget is only visible when editing a page.

This gadget creates a shortened url using bit.ly for the page you are currently on. We don't recommend doing this as the url doesn't look official like other USU urls. If you would like a shortened url or a vanity url that redirects to a certain page you can reach out to us at itweb@usu.edu and request one.

This gadget unpublishes the file that you are currently on so it becomes publicly unavailable.
Note: This gadget is only visible when viewing/editing a page.

The workflow gadget provides an easy and accessible view for your workflow which can also be found by hovering over "Dashboard" in the blue navigation at the top of OU Campus and selecting the workflow option from the dropdown.
Note: This gadget is also a dashboard gadget.

The YouTube gadget lets you search, preview, and insert a YouTube video onto the page that you are currently editing. This is an excellent option if you are unsure how to otherwise embed a YouTube video. If you need to host a video on your site we recommend hosting it through YouTube and inserting it on your page with this gadget.
Note: This gadget is only visible when editing a page.