Directory Page Layout Options
Your directory index page can list your faculty and staff members in multiple formats. Depending on your preferences, you can have a 2 column, 3 column, 6 column, or a table lisiting of your faculty and staff members. You can see examples of pulling CP directory feeds onto any page. Learn additional information about content promoter. Reach out to the IT Web team if you are interested in setting up faculty directory pages.
2-Column Layout with Side Nav
This option displays the faculty and staff members in a 2-column format with their image, name, position, department, phone, and email to the right. Their name is a link to their individual profile page. Click the image for a live example.
3-Column Directory Layout
This option displays the faculty and staff members in a 3-column format with their image, name, position, department, phone, and email to the right. Their name is a link to their individual profile page. Click the image for a live example.
Profile Page Layout Options
The Faculty/Staff Directory in Omni CMS has a number of different layout options to choose from for individual profile pages. Each one is suited to different amounts of content and each directory instance can be quickly configured to load the different layouts without changing each page.
For each profile, people can choose what information they want to show and what they don't within certain parameters. For example, when entering the person's details into the Multi Edit form, if you don't want the information to show on the page (i.e. Office Hours), leave that field blank and it will not be shown on the page.
Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures) Integration
Faculty members on USU main websites can now choose to include information from their Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures) account as part of their faculty directory page by selecting the Overview or Universal layout options (below). Visitors to a faculty's profile page will be able to view the information the faculty member entered into Faculty Success for awards, publications, classes taught, and graduate students mentored. If they have an item marked as private (inside Faculty Success), it will not show on the profile page.
You can learn how to integrate Faculty Success with your directory. For more information or questions, please contact the IT Web Team.
View a live example of the Faculty Success integration for a faculty member in the college of Engineering.
Profile Page Options
Your profile page options depend on a variety of factors, including (1) how you choose to organize your directory folder in Omni CMS, and (2) whether or not you want to include Faculty Success for your faculty members. Layout decisions are not made on an individual basis, but on a site-by-site basis and will affect all faculty and staff members in a given directory. Take note of which options are best suited for your situation.
Simple Layout Option (Default)
This option is for units with faculty who will not be integrating with Faculty Success. It is ideal for sharing basic information about a faculty or staff member in a very straightforward way.
The "simple" layout is the default layout and contains name, department, head shots, and a small bio. This works well for people who don't have a lot of information to display such as Emeritus or Grad students.
Full Layout Option
This option is for units with faculty who will not be integrating with Faculty Success. It is ideal for sharing basic information along with specific information about a faculty or staff member's areas of expertise and interests.
The "Tabbed" profile displays more information, such as contact info, location, links to personal website and CV, emphasis, expertise and a short biography section.
There is an editable region at the bottom of the page to allow for additional content such as galleries, tabs, etc. Reach out to the IT Web team to configue this layout option.
Faculty Success Layout Option
This option is for units that have (1) their faculty and staff in the same directory and (2) want to have faculty members integrate their profile page with Faculty Success. Those who do not add their A# to the multi-edit field (i.e. Staff without Faculty Success profiles) in their profile page will have all information in their multi-edit fields pulled into their profile. Faculty members who input their A# will have their multi-edit field information (except contact information, position, department and name) superceded by their information in Faculty Success. Reach out to the IT Web team to configue this layout option.
NOTE: The other Faculty/Staff Directory layout options do not have this flexibility.